Photography for Sciences


© Yves Gellie / tiré de la série « Human Version »

Photography for Sciences on the Salon de la Photo

Sciences et Avenir, engaged with photographers at exhibitions, festivals, competitions or publishing projects, is pleased to become a partner of the Salon de la Photo 2017 edition Because the scientific world is more creative than ever, because discoveries and inventions are occurring at an accelerated pace, and that scientists themselves have an ever greater awareness of their role in the changing world, Sciences et Avenir decrypts these advances to its 5 million supporters.

Every month for almost 70 years, in its paper and digital editions, Sciences et Avenir explains how to build today the future of our society. Open to areas as diverse as health, medicine, discovery of our origins, preservation of the environment or new technologies, it regularly supports artistic and creative photography.

The scientific world under the broader inspires and nourishes more photographers, which are deployed curiosity, skills, creativity and rigor. We pay tribute to this fertile alliance, always cultivated with happiness by our magazine, whether to produce images in the contaminated area of ​​Fukushima, to capture the abstract and sparkling beauty of the CERN particle accelerator , finance reports in major expeditions in defense of biodiversity, or portraits of eminent scientists.

Dominique Leglu 
Managing Editor

Andreina De Bei 
Director of Photography


Sciences & Avenir